Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cherry Blossom Festival

My inner flower-child has blossomed!

One of the main reasons I decided to come to Washington DC during the spring is so I could be here during Cherry Blossom Festival, and I'm so glad I did! It was so beautiful to walk around the Tidal Basin when the trees were at their peak. The Magnolia trees around the Smithsonian Castle were also at their peak around the same time. I also was able to take a "wildflower tour" on Theodore Roosevelt Island where I learned about the native and non-native species in the area. Springtime in Washington DC is beautiful! The weather has been typical of springtime anywhere: cold and rain one day, warm and sunny the next.
If you want to learn more about the history of the Cherry trees in DC, check out this link:

One of the funnest parts of the festival was going to the Parade on Saturday morning. My friends and I found a great spot by one of the museums right at the beginning of the parade where all the participants line up before turning onto Constitution avenue for the official start of the parade. Alex Trebec was the Grand Marshall, and I was able to get my picture with him! I know, I look like a five-year-old on my birthday, but it was pretty exciting stuff!

After watching the pretty horses trot on by, I decided that one of my goals in life is to ride a horse in a parade at least once before I die. Despite my ability to adapt to an urban lifestyle, the truth is, I've always been a cowgirl at heart. :-)

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